Songtexte von "Music for Elevators"

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Songtexte von "Music for Elevators"

Beitrag von Gast » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 12:07 am

Ist ja vielleicht ne blöde Frage, aber weiß irgendjemand wo ich die Songtexte von ASH´s Album "Music for Elevators" herbekomme?
Ich habe schon überall gesucht, nur leider nichts gefunden.
Beiträge: 1848
Registriert: Mi 24 Apr, 2002 3:04 pm
Wohnort: Rotenkirchen (AdW)

Beitrag von ©Teufelchen© » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 3:28 pm

01 What can you tell me
What can you tell me?
Someone's always pulling the rug from under your feet
And they're pulling it away from you
Someone's always pulling the rug from under your feet
And they've done it your whole life through
Everything you say
Everything you do
She said he's shielding you - from disappointment
It was like the clouds parted
And a shaft of light shone from Heaven
And a weight lifted off my shoulders

02 Babies [the in between]
A baby in a restaurant
So tiny her head fit into her father's hand
And as he looked into her eyes she smiled
Not bothered by the loudness of the live rock n' roll band
And as I watched them both I longed to cradle you in my arms again
All I could really think of was
That I longed to hold my babies
A little later that same night
A child of eight or nine entered the dining room
She had the pale, poetic grace [of the age]
She was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes from closing
And as I watched her older sister lay her down between two chairs to
All that I was thinking was
That I wanted to hold my babies
Looking at photographs
Watching you grow before my eyes
Remembering the moments the instant
Before the camera saw them
And as I smile at all the times we shared, I'm reminded of all the in between
Christ, how I miss you, both then and now, my babies
I longed to hold you in my arms, to know you're by my side
To feel your little hands in mine, to look into trusting eyes
I longed to be your Daddy, felt guilty for not being there for you
Oh, how I miss you, my babies

03 Owning my mistakes
Owning my mistakes
Owning my mistakes
Gotta get a witness, witness
Gotta get a witness, witness
Well there's nothing good came from guilt
Better give it up, give it up and move on
Just owning my mistakes
Walking with them
Walk the talk
Of my mistakes
Can't blame anyone
For anything I've done
They're my mistakes
Gotta get a witness, witness
Gotta get a witness, witness
Gotta get a witness, witness
Owning my mistakes
Well there's nothing good ever comes from guilt
Better give it up, give it up and move on
A lie is like a bottle of wine from a cheap liquor store
La, la, lie, lie
It don't cost much at the time but it burns as it goes down
La, la, lie, lie
And you know you're gonna pay - later you say, now it's OK
But as hard as you swallow you can't shake the taste
The acid and the afterthought churning in your belly
La, la, lie, lie
And it leaves you with nothing but regrets
Just owning my mistakes
Walking with them
Walk the talk
Of my mistakes
Can't blame anyone
For anything I've done
They're my mistakes

04 [segue]
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten. Ich hab eh keine Verwendung mehr dafür... Bild
Spike: "Hört euch diese Gouvernante an! Der Kerl ist langweilig, staubtrocken und redet geschwollen wie 'ne Tunte. Ihr Engländer seid immer so... verdammt, mariniert, affektiert, arrogant, elitär, blasiert... Oh Gott, ich bin Engländer..."
Giles: "Willkommen im Tunten-Club!"

Beiträge: 1848
Registriert: Mi 24 Apr, 2002 3:04 pm
Wohnort: Rotenkirchen (AdW)

Beitrag von ©Teufelchen© » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 3:30 pm

05 We can work it out
Try to see it my way
Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on
While you see it your way
Run the risk of knowing that or love may soon be gone

We can work it out
We can work it out

Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight or say good night

We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell of I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your
There's a chance we might fall apart before too long

We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell of I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your
There's a chance we might fall apart before too long

We can work it out
We can work it out

06 Qu'est ce que j'ai fait
Tu me demandes, qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?
Je t'aime entière
Mais je t'ai repoussée
De peur de te perdre
Je t'ai rejette, tant de fois et si bien
Que mon souhait
Est arrive, enfin
Et tu es loin de moi, si loin.
Quand je regarde dans tes yeux
Autrefois si confiants
Il n'y a pas de mots que je n'ai desacres
Tu me demandes qu'est-ce que je veux?
Je te veux entière
Je veux re-vivre a tes yeux
Te tenir dans mes bras, sentir ta chaleur
Tu es dans cette chambre avec moi
Mais si loin de moi, si loin
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait

07 All the fun of the fair
I wrote this song when I was younger
Blind to the lessons I could learn
I'm finding it hard to feel good
'Cuz each time I'm up there, I know I'm gonna fall
Never really understood why the coming down
Seems to last forever
And this constant change of feelings is making me reel
It's making me...
Wanna get off, I want it to stop
[These are our lessons, learn them well]
You can't get off; I want to check out
[These are the lessons we live to learn]
You can't get off, no you can't stop it
Well, I wrote this song when I was young and
Now I now I know there's so much I have left to learn
Adversity only makes us stronger, when we understand
That there's a purpose
Everything that you've done in your life
Every experience, every thought, every moment
Has led to this, has led to now
Everything that happens is for a reason
Every success, every defeat, everything
Nothing is an accident
All the fun of the fair
There's nothing very merry about going round and round
Heart's in your mouth, hands in the air
Head is spinning as you tumble to the ground
And this constant change of feelings is making me reel
This constant change of feelings - is making me...
Wanna get off, I want it to stop, [These are the lessons, learn
Them well
You can't get off
I wanna get off; I want to check out, These are the lessons
We live to learn]
You can't get off, no you can't stop it
Wanna get off, I want it to stop, [These are our lessons
You can't get off
I wanna get off; I want to check out, good and bad, we
Live to learn]
You can't get off, no you can't stop it

08 This town in the rain
Nothing's as sobering or quite frankly, depressing
As looking out on LA in the rain
The colours of the houses, the pinks and pale blues
Against the slab gray sky is all wrong - it's just wrong
And the palm trees, with their dead leaves
Have a hangdog expression like someone took their fun away
The tired, tarmaccadam strips, just watching idiots
Slip and slide as their tires lose their grip on the road
Didn't anybody tell them you can't drive the same - drive insane in the rain?
In this town
This town in the rain
The sidewalks are soused as the guttering, so used to drought
Spews the water out in loud gushing spouts
Like Hurricane Harbour... without the fun
And parking lots are like boating lakes as pockets and puddles
Seem to spring out of the ground
There's nowhere it can run to, with no concept of run-off
Hunted hand haunted it lies there in great gulps
No drains, no gain
This town
This town in the rain
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten. Ich hab eh keine Verwendung mehr dafür... Bild
Spike: "Hört euch diese Gouvernante an! Der Kerl ist langweilig, staubtrocken und redet geschwollen wie 'ne Tunte. Ihr Engländer seid immer so... verdammt, mariniert, affektiert, arrogant, elitär, blasiert... Oh Gott, ich bin Engländer..."
Giles: "Willkommen im Tunten-Club!"

Beiträge: 1848
Registriert: Mi 24 Apr, 2002 3:04 pm
Wohnort: Rotenkirchen (AdW)

Beitrag von ©Teufelchen© » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 3:31 pm

09 Talk to you
It lasts for a heartbeat
But it's such a feeling of being one
When we talk on the phone
You make me complete
You make me feel connected
To the earth beneath my feet
You make me laugh and
You've helped me to cry
You've shared all of yourself with me
You've shown me life
You've taught me, you let me see
What's real
Whatever would I be without you in my life
Without the warmth of you in my heart?
Wherever would I be without the light you give me
Without the thought of you in my arms?
And all I can do
Is wait until the next time
That I hear your sweet voice on the line
And I'll feel whole again
You'll bring me home again
All that I am is for you

10 Mum's song

11 Last time
It's just like the last time
The part where I try to deny
That she's already said goodbye

Time and time again I find that I'm
Lying quiet by her side
Wondering what she's got to hide
This time

I guess I'm just a pastime
Something to keep her occupied
Til she decides to let it slide
And we both know she'll come back on the fly
And I'll pretend she's justified
And she'll pretend I've got my pride

But I don't understand why every time
I get ripped all up inside
Then I ... give it one more try

So let this be the last time
Let this well of mine run dry
So I don't have to watch me cry

This time when she goes I'll be resigned
Let me shut the door behind her
Let me put her from my mind
Let my spirits grow unind
Let her be the one to find
That I ... give it one more try

Try it one more time
This will be the last time
The last time
The last time

12 One man's rain
I saw a man sitting on a hillside
Watching the soil bake dry
Looking across at the rain cloud forming
In another man's sky
As the sun beats down, relentless
On his crops, withered and dying
While the raindrops fall on the other man's land
One man's rain
The same desert, the same God
And it only rains once a year
Why is one man blessed with plenty
While the other's left to scratch in the dirt?
One man's rain, means another man's famine
One man's sky is another man's earth
One man's riches leave another man poorer
One man's temple mocks another man's faith
One man's rain and another's land is barren
One man's gain leaves another without
One man's palace and another's left homeless
One man's faith is another man's doubt
What's wrong with killing something for pleasure
If it's always been that way?
What's wrong with killing the trees that help us breathe
Or tearing the sky?
For every action there's a reaction
And on this planet, withered and dying
One of us plunders the earth's resources and the rest suffer
One man's rain
We share the same oceans, the same dying world
And the notion of supply and demand
Balance in all things, nature's promise
We'll be left scratching in the dirt
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten. Ich hab eh keine Verwendung mehr dafür... Bild
Spike: "Hört euch diese Gouvernante an! Der Kerl ist langweilig, staubtrocken und redet geschwollen wie 'ne Tunte. Ihr Engländer seid immer so... verdammt, mariniert, affektiert, arrogant, elitär, blasiert... Oh Gott, ich bin Engländer..."
Giles: "Willkommen im Tunten-Club!"

Beiträge: 1848
Registriert: Mi 24 Apr, 2002 3:04 pm
Wohnort: Rotenkirchen (AdW)

Beitrag von ©Teufelchen© » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 3:33 pm

13 [segue]

14 Change
Change is the thing
If there ever was a moment in your life when you turned to take a look at yourself
A long hard cold stare at the person you are
It doesn't matter what brought you here, to this point in time
It could have been your lover or your teacher or maybe just a good friend
But now is the moment, now is your chance, now is the beginning of a new
It's all too easy to say, "I am who I am" - to allow yourself to
Shrug your shoulders and say, "Accept me, I accept myself"
Embrace it - don't just turn and face the strain
Every threshold is surrounded by fear - as you step over it, it becomes
Find the blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals - the
Patterns that you repeat again and again - break the pattern, the karma
Crack it open
It's scary as hell, but let go of the rope
Let go of behaviour that you think holds you up
Because it ties you down, it only holds you back
It's time to fly without the aid of a net
Parachutes are gone, that stopped you from falling
Scared of the freefall - that chaos is calling
And the changes don't finish, just because you started
Allow yourself the lessons, there's room for heartache
Acknowledge the breakthroughs, but know there's always more
Don't stop yourself from being all you can be
To measure up to all he's expected to achieve
A man must do more than he is capable of
Man is what he believes

15 Staring at the sun
When I was a child, and din't know any better
I used to stare at the sun for minutes at a time. And
After a while, the bright golden circle of the sun
Would melt away into the blue of the sky
Like I was looking at a deep blue sky within a sky
Someone asked me about her the other day
And I found myself standing there describing her
Her eyes - lost in the thought of her eyes
Such a deep, deep blue ...
Like staring into the sun
When I was a child, and didn't know any better
I used to stare at the sun

16 End game
Look at me now
Never thought I'd be here
What was I thinking, what have I left undone, unspoken
Look at me, I feel a little helpless
Like a beetle on its back
Look at you
Looking down at me
[it] wasn't meant to happen like this
I need more time to set things right
Not ready to think these things in the middle of the night
Life seems never ending, until it's ending
Finite, sight unseen - we choose the path we walk
But is it meant to happen like this?
Do we need more time to set things right?
Are we ever prepared inside to say goodbye?
Look at the beetle on its back
Look at you now
I never thought I'd see you here
How did I outlive you
I couldn't see us apart, us broken
"The quality of your pain?" you said is deep inside your heart
It wasn't meant to happen like this
I need more time to set things right
Not ready to think these thoughts in the middle of the night
Is this right, that this really is the end
End game
It wasn't meant to happen like this
I need more time to set things right
And angels come in many guises to guide us
End game
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten. Ich hab eh keine Verwendung mehr dafür... Bild
Spike: "Hört euch diese Gouvernante an! Der Kerl ist langweilig, staubtrocken und redet geschwollen wie 'ne Tunte. Ihr Engländer seid immer so... verdammt, mariniert, affektiert, arrogant, elitär, blasiert... Oh Gott, ich bin Engländer..."
Giles: "Willkommen im Tunten-Club!"

Bloody hell
Tippfehler Queen Deluxe
Tippfehler Queen Deluxe
Beiträge: 11035
Registriert: Di 16 Apr, 2002 1:41 pm
Wohnort: Velbert (NRW)

Beitrag von Bloody hell » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 3:55 pm

ach wenn teuflechen hier sie heir so toll geschrieebn hat :) :knuddel:

die songtext zu ASH's album gibt es auf : :)
Nathan: What do you think? Red or blue?
Peter: I don't know. Blue?
Nathan: I'm gonna go red. The president wears red.

Beitrag von Gast » Mo 27 Mai, 2002 8:40 pm

@©Teufelchen© Danke!!!!!!! Ich hab wirklich schon überall verzweifelt gesucht gehabt. Du hast dir aber wirklich ganz schön Mühe gemacht!
Beiträge: 1848
Registriert: Mi 24 Apr, 2002 3:04 pm
Wohnort: Rotenkirchen (AdW)

Beitrag von ©Teufelchen© » Di 28 Mai, 2002 4:10 pm

@IIBuffyII: markieren, rechte maustaste, kopieren, einfügen... :-D

@bloody: auf waren sie nicht zu finden... :sniff: [/url]
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten. Ich hab eh keine Verwendung mehr dafür... Bild
Spike: "Hört euch diese Gouvernante an! Der Kerl ist langweilig, staubtrocken und redet geschwollen wie 'ne Tunte. Ihr Engländer seid immer so... verdammt, mariniert, affektiert, arrogant, elitär, blasiert... Oh Gott, ich bin Engländer..."
Giles: "Willkommen im Tunten-Club!"


Beitrag von Gast » Di 28 Mai, 2002 10:46 pm

@©Teufelchen© Hab die Texte sogar schon ausgedruckt! :smoke:
Den Link habe ich auch ausprobiert, du musst bei der Suche nach dem Interpret suchen und Anthony Stewart Head eigeben. Dann unter dem Suchfeld den Namen nochmal anklicken, dann kommen alle Lieder des Albums. :-)
Bloody hell
Tippfehler Queen Deluxe
Tippfehler Queen Deluxe
Beiträge: 11035
Registriert: Di 16 Apr, 2002 1:41 pm
Wohnort: Velbert (NRW)

Beitrag von Bloody hell » Di 28 Mai, 2002 10:48 pm

`@teufelchen hatte das letzen zufällig egsehen als ich songtexte von "ashanti" suchte , erst dacht ich , ich hätte mich verguckt :D
Nathan: What do you think? Red or blue?
Peter: I don't know. Blue?
Nathan: I'm gonna go red. The president wears red.