Clare Kramer

Diskussionen rund um die Serie "Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen"

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Registriert: So 14 Apr, 2002 6:14 pm

Beitrag von Nelle » Sa 29 Jun, 2002 11:13 am

Ja, das solltest du, es gibt nämlich noch viele andere neue, z.b. von ihrer Autogrammtour im Mai und von der Convention :)

Das "I'm not a god" sag sie über sich im Vergleich zu Glory...
Ich poste einfach mal den ganzen Artikel (den ich bald auch übersetzen werde):

    Clare Kramer follows in the grand tradition of Julie Benz (Darla) and Harry Groener (the Mayor) when she says that she doesn't consider her character Glory to be evil. It's funny how all the bad guys say that, eh?
    "She's just from a different domain," Kramer says of her goddess alter-ego. "She isn't used to dealing with humans. She doesn't understand them and thinks they're pretty inefficient."
    When Kramer auditioned for the role, she knew very little about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "I'd never followed it," she says. "I'd seen it a couple of times because my friend Eliza Dushku played Faith on it."
    She was given "zero information" when she took the part. "As the audience got to know her, I did as well," she reveals, "because that's how much information was revealed to me before each episode. It was a slow development of the character, really."
    Luckily, that character development was roughly in line with what Kramer was expecting. "The way it turned out made a lot of sense to me," she agrees. "There's a reason behind her actions that I could see, whereas at the beginning I couldn't really understand them. The audience could empathise with her a little more."
    Little is presumably the operative word, since that's exactly what Glory has in common with Earthbound mortals sitting watching a television show. Emotionally, Kramer describes her character as "extremely frustrated. She has about zero tolerance for anyone who thinks differently, or does differently from what she can do."
    However, that doesn't mean she doesn't have and redeeming features. "Absolutely she has some," Kramer says defensively. It's just that she's different and thinks humans are beneath her. "Well, yeah," she agrees. "She doesn't understand why they function the way they do. It doesn't make sense to her because she's from a different universe. She's built differently - physically, emotionally, in every way."
    The way in which Glory's appearances were scripted meant that she had very little contact with most of the regular cast, and unsurprisingly, she names one of her dramatic, rather than fighting, scenes with Sarah Michelle Gellar as her favourite from the season.
    "It's the scene where I show up at Buffy's house and we have a three or four-page dialogue scene together," she recalls. "She's my favourite girl to work with. She's professional and she's fun. We were laughing all day while we were filming that. It was really nice to work with her."
    With the possible exception of the early starts in the morning, Kramer found nothing unenjoyable about her experiences on the Buffy set. "And that's not a complaint, that's just a part of it," she hastily adds. "That's the only thing that has been a little tough. Everything else has been great. I've been really happy, and I feel really fortunate that I got the chance to work with them on the show."
    With a part like Glory, it's not as if an actor can go and read descriptions of how a god feels, and how they might react to certain situations. "A lot of people asked how can you play a God," she recalls. "What do you do to play a God? It's not really about the fact that she's a God. That's like saying someone is a lawyer or a doctor. You don't really know anything beyond that's what she is. It's a title, almost, for her. It's really irrelevant to what she's feeling. The bottom line is that I'm trying to portray her: although Glory is a god, I, the actor who's playing her, am still a person, and I'm not a god! I have to develop the character more from an internal standpoint and make decisions about how she feels. She's trapped out of her realm - how does she feel about the different situations she's put in? Why does she feel that way? Then I can take it from there. It's really about the 'why'. As an actor, you keep asking why. In a situation, why are you doing this? Why are you saying this? Why are you acting this way? And then you can get down to the core of the emotions. That's what I've really tried to do."
    Kramer had mixed feelings as the season came to its climax. "It was difficult towards the end because I had become close with the cast and the crew. It was going to be hard to see them move forward and me get killed! But I was really happy with how the storyline resolved itself and so I felt like justice was done and I didn't really have a job anymore. That made it a little easier. I was happy that I had a big fight scene on the tower. I would have liked to be the one that got killed but I think that they wrote themselves out of that being a possibility, when they made me immortal!"
    Since leaving Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kramer has been working opposite Dawson's Creek star James van der Beek in the movie The Rules of Attraction. Although it seems Glory may have gone forever, Dawn is still there, so there's always a possibility of a return.
    "I would love to come back," Kramer says pointedly. "If Joss created some sort of story for Glory, I'd be honoured to return for a little stint. It's an actor's dream to get a role like that where you have the freedom to really express yourself in all those ways with the monologues. Buffy is one of the closest shows to theatre that are out there."
"Wenn ihr das nicht liebt, was dann?"

Beitrag von Gast » Mi 03 Jul, 2002 9:03 pm

So, da bin ich auch mal wieder hier. Ma sehn, was ihr hier so schön diskutiert habt :wink:

Beitrag von Gast » Mi 03 Jul, 2002 9:05 pm

@Nelle: Hey das Pic is cool. Hassu noch mehr neue? hab schon lang nix mehr von ihr gesehen.
Beiträge: 4975
Registriert: So 14 Apr, 2002 6:14 pm

Beitrag von Nelle » Do 04 Jul, 2002 12:14 pm

Ja, ich habe glaube ich 6 neue Bilder. Die gibt's dann morgen auf meiner Seite
"Wenn ihr das nicht liebt, was dann?"

Beitrag von Gast » So 14 Jul, 2002 3:50 pm

Och da könntst auch ma eins hier reinpackn *g* Mein Pic-Archive von Clare is erschöpft :)
Beiträge: 4975
Registriert: So 14 Apr, 2002 6:14 pm

Beitrag von Nelle » So 14 Jul, 2002 5:35 pm

Ok ;)

Das ist eins meiner Lieblingsbilder :)
Aus der Reihe gibt es noch 3 weitere Bilder, aber die poste ich nicht, weil die ähnlich groß sind

"Wenn ihr das nicht liebt, was dann?"

Beitrag von Gast » Mo 15 Jul, 2002 8:50 pm

Danke danke danke :-D JUp das is süß.
Hm, dann muß ich doch ma auf deine Site.
Kannst die nochma posten für mir??? Bidde bidde bidde! :wave:
Beiträge: 4975
Registriert: So 14 Apr, 2002 6:14 pm

Beitrag von Nelle » Di 16 Jul, 2002 12:24 pm

Das ist zwar mehr Arbeit für mich als für dich, aber gut... ;)



"Wenn ihr das nicht liebt, was dann?"

Beitrag von Gast » Di 16 Jul, 2002 8:06 pm

Nelle *g* ich wollt nur das du den Link zu deiner Site nochma postest *g* War ja garnich so gemein :-D
Beiträge: 4975
Registriert: So 14 Apr, 2002 6:14 pm

Beitrag von Nelle » Mi 17 Jul, 2002 10:39 am

Oh... :cheesy:
Das hättest du aber deutlicher sagen müssen! *g*
Also die Adresse ist, steht aber auch unter jedem meiner Postings ;)
"Wenn ihr das nicht liebt, was dann?"
Beiträge: 2592
Registriert: So 28 Apr, 2002 9:01 am
Wohnort: el corazón está donde desea estar

Beitrag von Hope » Mi 17 Jul, 2002 11:28 am

@Nelle Hmmm... sind die Bilder aus irgendnem Film von Clare? Ich hab die noch nie gesehen...
[center]Manche Menschen würden lieber sterben als zu denken.
Und sie tun es auch.[/center]

Beitrag von Gast » Mi 17 Jul, 2002 3:48 pm

@Nelle: Sorry :sad: Verzeihst du mir? *auf die knie sink* (Dir wird sicher nie wieder ne Jägerin zu Füßen liegn :))

@Hope: Jup denk ich auch. Sieht irgendwie so aus.

Kennt ihr zwei schon die neusten Spoiler?

[spoiler]Nach Joss' neuesten Angaben soll ja Glory wieder zurückkommen *hehe* :-D [/spoiler]

Also für mich klingt das nach nem dreifach donnernden JUHU! :jump: YEAH! :happydance: STRIKE! :hammer:

Happy Birthday! @Hope

Beitrag von Gast » Sa 20 Jul, 2002 12:32 am

Häbbü Börsdäi tu juuuu
Häppü Böörsdai tuuh yuuu
Hähpi Böhrzdei dir Hope
Happy Birthday to you!

:-D Alles Gute Hope! :-D

(Und das Ständchen ist pattentiert - wenn ich ma wüßte wie man das schreibt :wink: )

Swing Kid
Swing Kid
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Registriert: Di 16 Apr, 2002 4:50 pm
Wohnort: Richtung Bodensee

Beitrag von Athena » Fr 26 Jul, 2002 4:06 pm

Habe ich das auf BV richtig verstanden? Clare Kramer wohnt mit Eliza Dushku zusammen?

[center]~ Buffy: "Are you ready to be strong?" ~
Beiträge: 4812
Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Fr 26 Jul, 2002 7:34 pm

Hab ich auch so verstanden. Das mit den Tangas fand ich lustig :-D Hätte so gerne das Gesicht von Clare geshen, als sie die bekam
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen