
Diskussionen rund um die Serie "Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen"

Moderator: SK-Biene

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Registriert: Di 16 Apr, 2002 5:54 pm
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Beitrag von SK-Biene » Mo 17 Mär, 2003 7:27 pm

Das Bild gibt es schon im Thread 7.18 "Dirty Girls" ;) .
I like you a lot. But I like a lot of people.
Beiträge: 4812
Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Mo 17 Mär, 2003 8:23 pm

Oh sorry, wusste ich nicht. Ich kuck nicht in die Spoilerthreads zu unaired episodes
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen

Beitrag von Gast » Do 20 Mär, 2003 11:05 pm

Seventeen - Interview mit Sarah

Du startest ein vollständig neues Leben. Die meisten Leute sind normalerweise ängstlich was Änderungen betrifft, da es viele Risiken birgt...

Die Belohnungen kommen nicht, wenn du die Risiken nicht eingehst. Es ist witzig: mein komplettes Leben lang wollte meine Mutter nach Kalifornien ziehen. Und ich war immer absolut dagegen: ?Ich verlasse New York nicht! Ich würde ja von zuhause weglaufen.? Und dann zog ich nach Kalifornien und ich liebe es hier. Ich versuche damit darzustellen, das man sich manchmal selbst öffnen muss, um verschiedene Dinge auszuwählen. Die High School zu verlassen ist wohl eins der furchtbarsten Dinge, den es ist wohl das erste Mal das du die Entscheidung treffen musst: ?Was möchte ich als Erwachsener tun?? Die eine Sache die ich jetzt wirklich gelernt habe ist, ein Wechsel ist wirklich gut. Veränderungen halten dich gesund.
Erzähl uns mehr.
Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten da draußen. Du weißt, bei Buffy mitzumachen, war am Anfang auch ein Risiko. Niemand wollte in einer Show mitmachen die auf einen durchgefallenen Film basiert. Ich erinnere mich, als ich meinen Freunden erzählte: ?Ich werde eine Show machen, die sich Buffy the Vampire Slayer nennt.? Und ich erinnere mich wie die Familie meiner Freundin Lindsay reagierte: ?Wha ? der Film? Das wird den Bach runtergehen, Sarah.? Aber das Leben ist voller Metamorphosen.
Können wir kurz anhalten? [Schreit] Mum! [Zurück zur normalen Stimme] Sorry aber meine Mum kommt gerade rein und meine Hunde haben eine Herzattacke.

Woher nimmst du deine positive Haltung, wenn die Dinge unsicher sind?

Als erstes, nichts ist in Stein gemeißelt. Ich habe das zu Michelle Trachtenberg gesagt: ?Wenn du zum College gehst und es gefällt dir nicht, kannst du zu einem anderen gehen. Wenn du lange an einer Entscheidung gegrübelt hast und ihr eine Chance geben willst, aber es ist nichts für dich, dann ist das so.

So was möchtest du jetzt tun?

Da gibt es soviel. Für mich erst mal etwas Zeit haben und ein wenig der Lage sein, mal abzuschalten. Ich arbeitete eine unglaubliche Menge an Stunden in dieser Show. Alle meine Freunde riefen an und gehen Freitags Nachts aus und ich konnte nur sagen: ? Sorry Leute, ich kann nicht mitkommen, ich arbeite heute Nacht.? Ich war da in diesem Raum, ? Leute ladet mich nicht ein! Es macht mich nur wütend!? Es war traurig, aber...
Also vor sieben Jahren hast du dein persönliches Leben angehalten.
Ich bin sehr glücklich das ich ein verständnisvolles Umfeld habe. Und ich liebe meinen Job. Aber das ist es auch, was es so hart macht. Ich war an diesem wunderbaren Ort und jetzt bin ich die Sache, die jeder fühlt : ?Ich bin nervös was die Zukunft angeht; ich bin sehr aufgeregt die Chance zu ergreifen und was Neues zu machen, denn manchmal, wenn man zu lange wartet, verschwinden die Chancen wieder. [das bellen der Hunde wegen eines Klingelns ist zu hören] Oh...[seufzt] tut mir sehr leid, kleinen Moment. [Sie geht weg und kommt wieder] Nach all dem klingeln, ist keiner da. Können sie sich das vorstellen?

Möglicherweise war es deine Zukunft die da geklingelt hat.
Ja, bestimmt. Ich hoffe ja nicht, denn es war niemand da.
Vielleicht hat eine Gelegenheit geklingelt und du hast es nicht gemerkt.[lacht]
Oh mein Gott. [lacht] Du bringst mich dazu zurückzuschleichen und unter den Fussmatten nachzusehen. So oder so ist es erschreckend. Ich verlasse etwas sicheres und erfolgreiches, um meine Chance zu ergreifen und Glück zu haben, das sich noch etwas tut. Es ist aber meist angeboren, was du fühlst ist meist das beste und richtige für dich. Ich war 18 als ich mit der Show begann, und ich bin 26 wenn die Zeit vorbei ist. Das ist ein großer Batzen meines Lebens. Aber es fühlt sich richtig an.
Wie sehr wirst du deine Cast Mitglieder vermissen?
Das wird so sonderbar. Ich denke bei James Marsters und mir: Wir sind fast wie Bruder und Schwester.
Wie war euer erstes Treffen?
James kam zu uns bei ?School Hard?, daran erinnere ich mich. Es war die zweite Staffel, dritte oder vierte Episode. Es war einer der längsten Tage der Show. Und ich erinnere mich das er diese schweren Stiefel trug und er war nicht begeistert über die Stunt Kämpfe, denn er kommt vom Theater, da ist alles ein bisschen echter. Ich hatte überall diese Quetschungen an meinen Armen von James riesigen Stiefeln. Ich necke ihn immer noch wegen diesem Tag.

Und was ist mit Alyson?
Alyson kam rein und ich erinnere mich, wie ich dachte: ? Ahh! Eine Freundin! Endlich!? Ihre Lieblingsstory die sie erzählt, wie beschäftigt und verrückt ich war ist, als sie ihre Mandeln heraus bekam und ich sie vom Krankenhaus abholte und nach Hause brachte und sie angenommen hatte, noch Joghurt zu haben. Aber ich war zu beschäftigt welchen zu kaufen, also brachte ich all meinen Joghurt ? den ich esse Joghurt - aus meinem Kühlraum zu ihrem Haus. Sie rief mich am nächsten Tag an, denn all der Joghurt war schon ewig abgelaufen und sie fragte mich: ? Wolltest du mich töten??
Das ist witzig- und ich liebe es das du es in einem Atemzug erzählst. Wie hast du dich verändert, seitdem die Show begann?
Ich begann mit 18 und es war das erste Mal das ich auf mich selbst gestellt war, ich verlass diese große Show [All My Children] und war plötzlich so unglaublich erfolgreich mit meiner neuen Show [Buffy]. Das veränderte mein Leben, und es war so furchteinflössend plötzlich jemand der Öffentlichkeit zu sein. Jetzt bin ich verheiratet, viel beständiger und älter.
Was hast du über deine Stärken und Schwächen gelernt?
Das kannst du doch jemanden nicht fragen. [lacht] Ich habe keine Ahnung was meine Stärken und Schwächen sind. Frag meine Freundin Nicole. Die wird es dir erzählen. Nein, ich habe zweifellos gelernt, ein besser Freund zu sein, denn meine Zeit ist begrenzt. Ich bin ein beschäftigtes arbeitendes Mädchen, so haben Nicole und ich gelernt unser Freundschaft gut zu regeln und zu stärken und die wertvolle Zeit die wir haben, als wichtig zu sehen. Denn es ist sehr wichtig. So wichtig wie ein Mann im Leben einer Frau. Eine Freundin ist gerade dann wichtig.
Was denkst du wirst du von Buffy mitnehmen?
Was werde ich nicht von Buffy mitnehmen? Und damit sind vermutlich nur die Klamotten und Möbel gemeint. Also wenn da Klamotten vermisst werden, ich war es nicht. Ernsthaft, ich habe so eine Erfahrung nie gemacht. Und das ist ok, weil ich immer diese Erfahrung haben werde. Niemand kann mir das wegnehmen. Und glücklicherweise hab ich eine Menge DVDs um das zu prüfen.
Denkst du das du auf dem Weg bist ein anderes Mädchen zu werden?
Absolut. Ich habe gelernt was ich machen kann, auch wenn ich nicht jeden Tag arbeite. Das war etwas was ich nie wusste.
Du hast gelernt zu relaxen.
Genau. Ich fing mit dem stricken an, in der Hoffnung das es hilft.

Buffy spricht:
Beschreibe deine wichtigsten Anfänge und Endungen.
Alle meine Anfänge waren auch ein Ende. Nach Sunnydale zu kommen, war der Beginn von dem was mir hier passiert ist, aber es war auch ein Ende meines normalen Lebens. Ich wünschte ich hätte es als normal realisiert als es passierte. Ich wünschte ich hätte. Das andere war, als ich mit Angel schlief und sich alles veränderte. Denn du weißt er verwandelte sich in das Böse. Es war schön, sex, dann grrr und dann war seine Seele in der Hölle. Das schlimmste war, als meine Mutter starb. Das beendete alles, von dem ich dachte es wäre konstant in meinem Leben.
Wie hast du dich verändert, seit du nach Sunnydale kamst?
Ich bin jetzt stärker. Ich weiß tonnenweise mehr über die Welt und die Dinge die unter ihr schleichen. Ich lernte, wie viel ich noch zu lernen habe. Ich pflegte zu denken, ich könnte mit einem Handgriff alles schaffen. Jetzt bin ich glücklich und wache auf und bin angemessen sicher, das ich nicht in einer alternativen Welt lebe.
Worüber bist du am meisten dankbar?
Das Leben. Ich starb und realisierte wie wertvoll das Leben ist. Auch wenn Dinge gleichmäßig schrecklich sind, solange man lebt hat man die Chance Dinge zu verändern. Ich bin glücklich darüber in einer Zeit zu leben, in der Frauen stark sein können
Was passiert als nächstes, Buffy?
Ich weiß es wirklich nicht. Immer wenn ich denke ich sehe den Weg meines Lebens hinter mir, liege ich falsch. Also höre ich auf danach Ausschau zu halten. Ich brauche kein elektronisches Datenbuch zu besitzen, das wäre wie ein geöffnetes Leben. Erschreckend.
Beiträge: 1350
Registriert: Di 16 Apr, 2002 1:31 pm
Wohnort: Dortmund

Beitrag von Falbala » Sa 22 Mär, 2003 7:58 pm

keine Spin-Off :sad:
No Spin-Off before Fall 2004 ! ! ?
By Sean K.
2003 - 03 - 21

>>>Okay folks. Bad news. It just comes in droves.

Just got out of a meeting here. Turns out the reason that the Buffy Spinoff was still on our list of stuff was because we had to discuss its demise in this meeting today.

The Buffy Spinoff is dead, for multitudinous reasons.

I am sad.

There's not much in the way of details. Apparently it was mostly due to the loss of ED. They kicked around some other ideas, but eventually just closed it down.<<<

So, the much discussed spin-off for the Buffy series looks to be dead. Let's Weep, kids.

Quelle :
Kevin's G&L
Kevin's G&L
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Registriert: Sa 04 Mai, 2002 12:28 pm
Wohnort: Plantage

Beitrag von Spike'sKrüml » Mi 02 Apr, 2003 5:15 pm

moi hat ein Interview mit Lalaine gefunden.
ich dachte mir ich posts mal.
vielleicht intressierts wen.
sie hat "chloe" (die SiT die sich aufgehängt hat) gespielt.

(Interview: February 24, 2003)
Not only do you know Lalaine as Lizzie McGuire's Miranda Sanchez, but she's currently filming her first feature film and has just starred as "Abby" in Disney Channel's YOU WISH. Lalaine even included the title track, "You Wish" which you can now purchase as a CD single. Now a successful actress and recording artist, Lalaine also received an award from TEEN PEOPLE as one of the 20 Teens Who Are Changing the World. Check out her spotlight and our exclusive interview with her.
I'm so glad we found you, you like diappeared.

Yeah I know, haha, but yay I'm here now!

Yes! So how do you feel about winning this award?

I feel really good. You know, haha. It's not you know, I'm not saying that it's not really just FOR ME, it's for all the kids and just everything that everyone has done and especially for Megan, who is why I'm here for. In the magazine it's me and her in the picture, and she actually just passed away a couple weeks after that photo.

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Did you know her well?

Yeah, well we did an event at that hospital and I met her, and I saw her again too. And it was so weird you know seeing her so happy and running around and next thing you know she's just.. so sick and it's really sad.

Awh that's really horrible..

Yeah it is, but, it's someone like her that makes me want to do these things and work twice as hard.

So you visited her often?

Yeah a few times and what was amazing was that she hadn't gotten up for like 3 days, and when I asked her to do the photo shoot she actually got up and got changed and she got ready and took the time to do the photo shoot with me even though she was so tired and so sick.

Awh I'm sure you'll never forget what a great girl she was.

Yeah, and I'll never forget what her mom said to me afterward, she's like, "You were like a dose of medicine for her," and I was just like, "WOW." You know? I'm like thank you... just for visiting? I mean that doesn't take a lot of time, you know? And it was a great feeling to see her so happy even though she was so sick.

That's so nice that you take the time out of everything you're doing to go and see her. Do you visit other children's hospitals?

Yeah, I visit a lot of hospitals and stuff. I like to do, you know, more stuff with kids because kids are the future and they'll pass all of their experiences down to their kids, and to their kids, and hopefully it can make a difference by making a chain of like positive thoughts.

Yeah, and being on a popular TV show and everything...

Haha yeah it helps!

Yeah you have an impact and you can use it as a tool. You know what I'm saying? And I respect so much that you use that to be ABLE to help more people.

Yeah! Yeah like their are girls who look up to me as a role model, and you know I would be honoured if Megan looked up to ME as a role model because she's such a strong person and she just kept going and she loved to dance and sing, and play pretend. She was so young and you see someone young like that carrying such a heavy thing like that on their shoulders but she makes it look like there's nothing wrong! And that's so incredible and strong of her. So in reality, I'm the one who is looking up to her. You know, she admires me and looks up to me but in reality I look up to her. She makes me a stronger person, and she makes me want to continue these things and to help kids out. And then I can say to other kids I see, "Hey I knew this girl Megan, she was a strong girl." It doesn't matter how old you are. You could be.. five. And you can still make a difference, no matter how small.

Yeah definitely. So how's this movie going for you?

Oh, great! Long hours... right when I was done with work, we headed straight home, packed, and went to the airport and came straight here.

Your mom said your part started out smaller and it just keeps getting bigger. How did that happen?

Yeah, hahahah I don't know!! I don't know, it's my first movie too I'm really excited.

How was New Zealand?

Oh New Zealand was great! It's very green there. Very nice, you know, it's green. Not brown, not yellow, it's GREEN. It was beautiful.

I heard it never rains?

No, no. When we were there it was winter over there because it was summer here, and oh my God out of nowhere it would just rain and just start POURING. It was cool though because on like the weekends we would go horseback riding and stuff because we didn't have to work and go to the black sand beach. The sand is actually black. People actually steal the sand there!

Come one, seriously?
No because it has like some kind of iron or magnet something that's good for your bones so people actually steal the sand to put it over their bones or whatever.

That's weird..

Yeah my mom actually she broke her foot and she had to have surgery a long time ago and she has three screws in it and she puts magnets on it and it actually helps! Like soothes it or something.

Yeah my dad uses that I don't know if you'd know what it was if I told you...

My mom's a nurse so she'd probably know!

Your mom's a nurse?

Yeah actually my mom's an army nurse, my sister's an RN she's in research for like Hepititus and my brother's an EMT.

And you're an actress.

Haha yeah!

Well maybe you'll play a nurse.

Hahahah! Yeah maybe!! "Look Mom, I'm kind of.. part of the family now..." Yeah haha.

Did you grow up in a musical/acting kind of enviroment at all?

My sister actually sings, she lives here in New York. She's 25, she's been here for like 3.. and half years.

Wow she was here for 9/11?

Yeah, she was.


Yeah and she'd only just been here a little while.

Well thanks so much Lalaine it's so great finally have met you in person, and thanks for answering these questions for us.

Oh you're welcome, thank you!! It was so great to meet you too I'll see you after the show.

quelle :

Und hier noch eins mit Amy Acker (is aber anscheinend schon ein bisschen älter):

Amy Acker
(Interview: December, 2002)
Angel star Amy Acker ("Fred") joined us here at Back-Stage-Pass to answer some questions that you, the fans had, and also some for us here at the magazine! Find out about her first acting experience with Wishbone the dog, her dreams before her love of acting, and favorite movies and idols!

Hello, how are you doing?

I'm good, how are you?

I'm good! So how did you start out your acting career?

Umm.. let's see. Well, I did ballet for like 14 years and I ended up having knee surgary so I had to stop in the middle of my junior yeah of high school, so then I started taking an acting class as school and decided that I loved it.

Do you see any similarities about yourself and your character?

I think there's started to be more of them the longer I play the character. Well I'd like to think, haha, I mean obviously she's really smart and math and science were my best subjects in school and she's all into physics and numbers, and we both like to eat a lot haha.

How did you go about getting the part?

Actually it was just a normal audition, after I moved out here about a couple months later I had an audition for this part and the girl's name was Logan at that time and no one knew what seasn she was even going to be on and I wore the glasses that Fred wears on the show to the audition and Joss the producers really loved the glasses and so he gave me the part. Hahaa!

Haha that's cool, did you like "Buffy" and "Angel" before you got the part?

Yeah I used to watch it in like college on like pizza night.

Where did you grow up? You said you'd moved to L.A.

Yeah, I grew up in Texas in Dallas.

Do you have any brothers of sisters?

Yes, I'm the oldest of four.

Oh do they act?

No, my one sister just moved out here in the summer and she's going to design school and my other sister is in college and my brother is still in high school.

What did you study in college?

I did acting, actually.

So do you believe in the magic and witchcraft stuff that's on "Angel"?

I would like to, I've never really witnessed any of it first-hand but I definitely think there's other stuff out there, that you know, affects people and stuff.

Are you close with the other cast members?

Yeah! Yeah we all get along very very well actually.

When's your birthday?

It's December 5th.

Are you single?

Oh, no I have a fiance.

Oh wow congratulations!

Thank you!

Who are your inspirations?

Oh wow I have a lot of them. I guess acting-wise I'd have to say Audrey Hepburn is definitely one of them she's kind of like my idol. And I love I think Cate Blanchett and Emily Watson are very cool and my mom.

Cool, do you have any favorite movies?

Um, I like pretty much every Audrey Hepburn movie. All the movies that those people are in hahaha I love "Hillary & Jackie" and I love um, any Audrey Hepburn movie.

Oh? Did you like the remake they did?

Well, I guess but I prefer the original. Unless I has gotten to be her in the remake.. haha.

Would you ever want to do music?

Music? I wish that I could. I wish that I could sing. I don't have a whole lot of musical talent.

What was your first filming experience like?

I did this show in Dallas called "Wishbone". And my first one of was when Wishbone purposed to me, and I was marrying a dog. So that was interesting.

Any chance you could tell us where this season is going to go?

You know if they would tell us I'd be happy to! We're on episode ten right now and I guess they just filmed 8. So we're not that far ahead of you. I don't even know what the next episode is about, to be honest. I think thee's gonna be, Angelus is going ot come back, it's gonna be cool.

Okay haha I have a question that someone sent in, and I'm sorry for being blunt with it but they said, "What is with Cordelia sleeping with Connor?"?

Haha that's a good question!! Hahaha I didn't understand that either... I was like, "What?!" but yeah ahaha um I think that... I'm not sure... that's kind of what we were all wondering. There's something going on in Joss's head that none of us understand haha.

That's funny that you don't even know.

I know! It would be nice to but you know, we'll just keep filming and see where it goes haha.

Do you think there will be any more ties in with Buffy?

Well, I don't know it's kind of hard to say but since we're on different networks now I think it would be more difficult to actually do it. It's not really an option.

What's your favorite part of being an actress?

I think it's pretty awesome that you get to just play all day! Haha you get to just be someone else and fight people and kiss people and I love that.

Well thanks so much for taking the time to sit down with us Amy, it was great talking to you!

Thank you too! It was great, let me know when it's up.
quelle: ebenfalls

Im news thread is noch n interview mit michelle.aber ohne spoiler oder so.
hab da nochn bild gefunden
michelle lalaine.jpg
michelle lalaine.jpg (140.45 KiB) 1401 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 4812
Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Fr 04 Apr, 2003 11:07 am

James Marsters und Nick Brendon auf der Pasadena Con über das Ende von Buffy und James Zukunft:

Quelle: ain't it cool news/ Mr. Blonde
"I was at Grand Slam convention in Pasadena. During James Martsters Q and A, he said that the spinoff idea is still up in the air and may end up happening or might not. But he said that he was recently asked by Joss Whedon to join the cast of Angel next season. He has agreed, and he believes that Angel is definetly going to be renewed for a 5th season. "

"At the convention was Juliet Landau, Danny Strong, James Leary (Clem), Andy Hallett, Nick Brendon and James Marsters. No one but Nick and James gave plot info. Nick said something about him developing some sort of powers before the end of the show due to something that happens to him (Im guessing the Bringers cutting out his eye.) James just rehashed his old "the ending will be romantic, tragic, incredible, and the worst thing imaginable." Other than that most of the questions were of the "What is your favorite / least favorite episode...etc?" [/spoiler]

wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
Beiträge: 4812
Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Fr 04 Apr, 2003 11:20 am

ein wenig Spin- off talk by Kristin (ehemals Wanda)

enthält keine Episodenspoiler

nur das, was mit Spike nach Buffy passiert

Can I get a hug?

Jennifer Garner and Scott Foley are over. Buffy is almost gone for good. And American Idol royally screwed the fans that feed.

So many TV travesties it's tough to know where to focus. But since I'm still in denial about the "breakup," and too angry to speak about Wednesday's AI, I say we turn our attention to more dishy, delishy fare: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which hosted a few reporter types on set last week.

The entire cast and crew were there, with the exception of one Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar (Read into that what you will.)

More dish comin' your way closer to the finale, but for now, I know many of you are jonesin' for the 411 on any lingering hope for a spinoff, who might be heading over to Angel and, of course, the slightest clue as to what David Boreanaz might be doing on the last ep. So, let's get to it.

Spinoff Spin: The cast and Buffy boss Joss Whedon all echoed the same sentiment: Definitely no spinoff this fall, but they are hopeful there will be one in the future.

"Somewhere down the line," says Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), "I reckon there will be a Buffy spinoff. There's no rush on my part, and I know the fans will wait...Whatever happens here, Joss has created such a great stable of writers, directors and actors I have no doubt we'll all work together in the future. He has an extraordinary family and an immense amount of talent in one place. I don't see it disappearing--it's very strong. Bottom line is, Joss is the core."

Both James Marsters and Nicholas Brendon (who's now working on creating his own sitcom) said they would jump at the chance to reclaim their roles.

"Are you kidding?" Marsters asks. "I would be all about [a spinoff]. Spike is a Cadillac role, man. You don't have to work very hard, but you get all the credit. It's a sweet deal, so if they want to continue paying me really good money and making me look really cool and not working me very hard, I am there."

Crossing Over? Okay, so no spinoff this year, but what are the chances of the Buffy-ites ending up on Angel?

Time for a little guessing game, my sweets. All the Scoobs (sans S.M.G.) answered the question, "Will you be going to Angel next season?" Here are their responses--see if you can guess who said what. (And no, I won't make you wait till next week, the answers are listed on the next page.)

1. "No, because [my character] and Angel never really got along, so it would be a hard thing to sort of plant myself on that show. It would be a strange mixture--or coupling, if you will."

2. "I think maybe I will. I talked to one of the writers about it and said it might be quite fun to bring me over there. It's such an open book, and that's what makes it so exciting."
Can I get a hug?

Jennifer Garner and Scott Foley are over. Buffy is almost gone for good. And American Idol royally screwed the fans that feed.

So many TV travesties it's tough to know where to focus. But since I'm still in denial about the "breakup," and too angry to speak about Wednesday's AI, I say we turn our attention to more dishy, delishy fare: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which hosted a few reporter types on set last week.

The entire cast and crew were there, with the exception of one Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar (Read into that what you will.)

More dish comin' your way closer to the finale, but for now, I know many of you are jonesin' for the 411 on any lingering hope for a spinoff, who might be heading over to Angel and, of course, the slightest clue as to what David Boreanaz might be doing on the last ep. So, let's get to it.

Spinoff Spin: The cast and Buffy boss Joss Whedon all echoed the same sentiment: Definitely no spinoff this fall, but they are hopeful there will be one in the future.

"Somewhere down the line," says Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), "I reckon there will be a Buffy spinoff. There's no rush on my part, and I know the fans will wait...Whatever happens here, Joss has created such a great stable of writers, directors and actors I have no doubt we'll all work together in the future. He has an extraordinary family and an immense amount of talent in one place. I don't see it disappearing--it's very strong. Bottom line is, Joss is the core."

Both James Marsters and Nicholas Brendon (who's now working on creating his own sitcom) said they would jump at the chance to reclaim their roles.

"Are you kidding?" Marsters asks. "I would be all about [a spinoff]. Spike is a Cadillac role, man. You don't have to work very hard, but you get all the credit. It's a sweet deal, so if they want to continue paying me really good money and making me look really cool and not working me very hard, I am there."

Crossing Over? Okay, so no spinoff this year, but what are the chances of the Buffy-ites ending up on Angel?

Time for a little guessing game, my sweets. All the Scoobs (sans S.M.G.) answered the question, "Will you be going to Angel next season?" Here are their responses--see if you can guess who said what. (And no, I won't make you wait till next week, the answers are listed on the next page.)

1. "No, because [my character] and Angel never really got along, so it would be a hard thing to sort of plant myself on that show. It would be a strange mixture--or coupling, if you will."

2. "I think maybe I will. I talked to one of the writers about it and said it might be quite fun to bring me over there. It's such an open book, and that's what makes it so exciting."

3. "I don't know. I never like to say no to anything, because if it's something interesting and it's a challenge, then why not? I do know I came from movies, and I want to go back to movies. It's where I'm at home."

4. "Yeah, I think I am [going to Angel.] Definitely, we don't know--but it is being talked about."

5. "I don't know, probably not. Right now I'm in talks for features and stuff, but nothing I can go into."

Got it?

Good. Now, as promised, I'll give the goods on who said what:

1. Nicholas Brendon (who seems fairly disappointed the door is not open)

2. Anthony Stewart Head (hurrah!)

3. Michelle Trachtenberg (who is shooting a teen movie this summer in Prague)

4. James Marsters (that's a gimme if you read last week's chat transcripts)

5. Alyson Hannigan

Now, of course, if anyone is going over to Angel, that would mean the show would have been renewed, which has not yet happened. But good news: Insiders tell me WB higher-ups are very excited at the possibility of a return of the Buffy actors to the Frog net--which could (fingers crossed) help the case for Angel's renewal.

An Angelic End? If you're like me, you're scrounging for any morsel of info that might imply which way Joss is heading with the finale--will it be about Buffy and Angel...or Buffy and Spike? Here's what the Buffy mastermind had to say about it:

"It was important for David to come and do [the Buffy finale], which is really sweet considering he's all over the end of Angel at the same time. It means a lot to me and Sarah and David and the writing staff as storytellers, because Angel was there from the beginning and because their relationship transcends everything.

"Even though she has a romance with Spike, the relationship with Angel was Buffy's first love. It's too important not to cap it. You can't put a final statement on it. I'm in the process of writing the script now. The show is about life, and the final statement on life is death. On this show, it's not even that. You want to pay homage to the fact that he's a big part of her heart, no matter what, without saying anything definite on what will happen for them in the future."

Infer to your heart's delight. I, for one, am hoping for some series-ending sexual healin'.

In the meantime, something you Buffy buffs will want to know: Starting April 29, we'll be showing exclusive clips of the five finale episodes of Buffy, every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. on E! News Live. Tune in to watch some blubbering Buffy fan talk about how she'll never be the same when the show is gone.

Also, as I mentioned in Monday's chat, I'll be talking very soon with Buffy boss Marti Noxon. So, if you have questions for her, send 'em in pronto.

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Beitrag von Diamond » Fr 04 Apr, 2003 4:34 pm

Anscheinend kommt die neue Folge schon am 15. April und nicht erst am 22.April! Jubii, eine Woche früher eine neue Buffy-Folge :happydance:
Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for.
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
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Beitrag von Jess » Sa 05 Apr, 2003 8:27 pm


Quelle: FilmJerk
[spoiler]On the currently untitled final episode of this fourth season, Wolfram and Hart has rebuilt, and they are sending a few recruiters out after the Angel crew. A former Watcher goes after Wes, a sexy but science nerdy guy tries to pull Fred in, a hottie seduces Gunn and a talent scout wants more than singing from Lorne. Can they entice the heroes over to the dark side? Tim Minear writes and directs this one, which begins shooting Monday[/spoiler]

mein Kommentar
[spoiler]Wolfram and Hart :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: [/spoiler]

sorry, weiß das man die Smileys sieht, aber ihr wisst ja nicht wofür ;-)

Und Buffyspoiler (selbe Quelle)

Buffy Just to add to an earlier story, the casting note says "For You Buffy Fans, This Will Be The Last Opportunity For Actors To Be On The Show" So, make of that what you will.

don't want 'em to die[/spoiler]

(Wisst ihr eigentlich das ich es albern finde bei den Spoiler News nen Code zu benutzten.... wissen doch alle, das die nur zu unaired Eps sein können. Whatever. viel spaß beim lesen ;-) )
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
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Beitrag von Jess » Di 08 Apr, 2003 9:27 pm

Also dann..... mal wieder Zukunftsspoiler für die Buffygang nach dem Ende von Season 7 (Quelle:

Damit es keine Spekulationen darüber gibt wer am Ende stirbt oder ob es überhuapt tote gibt, setzte ich die Antowrten mal in den Spoiler. Ihr könnt selbst überlegen ob ihr es lesen wollt ;-)

James Marsters
[spoiler]James Marsters, who plays Spike, the newly ensouled vampire, has revealed that the Powers That Be at Mutant Enemy have told him that they want his character to become a regular over at Angel - provided that the series is renewed for a fifth season on the WB (and word is that this is looking fairly likely). That's not a huge surprise, as fans have long heard that Spike would be integral in a proposed new spin off, which seems at this time to not be materializing.
aber das wussten wir ja schon

Anthony Stewart Head
[spoiler]The surprise comes here: Anthony Stewart Head, who plays the Watcher Giles, has said that he has also been approached about moving over to Angel. "I think maybe I will," Head said. "I talked to one of the writers about it and said it might be quite fun to bring me over there. It's such an open book, and that's what makes it so exciting." What's really surprising about this is that he made himself available only part time to Buffy so that he could spend more time at home in Jolly Olde England. Perhaps the roles aren't as forthcoming as hoped on that side of the pond? And the real question is: what does this mean for the proposed Ripper BBC TV movie?[/spoiler]

Nicholas Brendon
[spoiler]Finally, Nicholas Brendan, who plays Xander, has expressed lots of interest in being involved in a new Buffyverse project (read that as: he doesn't have a lot of career options), but his name is not being mentioned in regards to moving over to Angel.[/spoiler]

Alysson Hannigan
[spoiler]widmet sich weiter ihrer Filmkariere[/spoiler]

Michelle Trachtenberg
[spoiler]dreht Filme[/spoiler]

naja und Sarah ist ja bekannt
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
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Beitrag von Jess » Di 08 Apr, 2003 9:30 pm

Ich weiß, falsche Board, aber hier das voraussichtliche Ende für Angel (auch wenn ich mich gerade selber reingelegt habe, da ich noch nicht eine einzige Folge gesehen habe) Quelle: wie oben: sifi

[spoiler]Angel Investigations deciding to sign Wolfram and Hart contracts and Cordelia in a coma.

und so wie es aussieht, wird WB Angel auch für ein weiteres Jahr auf Sendung schicken
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
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Beitrag von Jess » Mi 09 Apr, 2003 6:16 pm

"Buffy's" future (Character, nicht die Show ;-) )

[spoiler]Es gibt gerüchte die besagen, das Sarah sich die Option frei hält, für Gastauftritte nach L.A zu kehren...was dann eigentlich schon darauf schließen lässt, daß Buffy am Ende nicht sterben wird[/spoiler]
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Do 10 Apr, 2003 8:45 pm

Hey folks

Wanda hat mal wieder gespoilt (Ok.. ich weiß, wir haben gesagt hier kein OT... aber falls es überhaupt jemanden gibt, dann bitte Lebenszeichen! Ich komm mir hier so einsam vor :sad: )

1.) Anything on Buffy?
[spoiler]Everything on Buffy. At least, everything on the finale. Whatcha wanna know? I can't spill everything, because you'd have no reason to watch, but I will do what I can... [/spoiler]2.) They must be going all out for the Buffy finale. I hear that production costs are crazy. They must being going for a Lord of the Rings-type battle or something.
[spoiler]The Hellmouth is a-openin', and it ain't gonna be pretty...Er, actually, it will be pretty because they are definitely upping the cinematographic ante. Should be kick-ass. [/spoiler]3.) Without naming names, can you tell us if someone dies in the Buffy finale?
[spoiler]Yes. Someone dies to save Andrew's life. After that person is gone, Andrew says, "I can't believe BLANK died to save my life." And another Scooby says, "Yeah, BLANK was always doing stupid things."[/spoiler]4.)Why do I have the feeling that Spike is going to die?
[spoiler]Apparently, a lot of people are getting that "feeling" from another spoiler site. But I hear he does not die...he disappears. It is another Scooby who will bite the dust. Guesses?[/spoiler]
5.) Does Buffy die, again?[spoiler]No[/spoiler]6.) Is Buffy's filming done forever?[spoiler]Not until next week. I just spoke to Marti Noxon, and David Boreanaz (yee-hee!) had just arrived on set.[/spoiler]7.)Do you think Buffy dies a third time or gets sucked into the Hellmouth?[spoiler]As I said, she's not going to die. But regarding the Hellmouth, I hear Sunnydale might be called Suckydale by the time the finale is over[/spoiler]8.) What is up with Amber Benson? Will she return for the Buffy finale?[spoiler]No, she won't. Noxon, Buffy's exec producer, tells me that they wanted to get her back, but she declined. You can check out what Amber has been up to right here.[/spoiler]9.) Can you tell me if death is in the future for any major characters on Buffy?[spoiler]Yes, someone dies and it is not Buffy, and it is not Spike, and they do it to save Andrew[/spoiler]10.)No fair. You said you knew everything about the Buffy finale and to ask you questions. I wanna know why Angel goes to Sunnydale, but you won't answer. Tease![spoiler]Hey, I already answered two of yours! I give, and I give, and I give, and I throw my hands up in despair, and I, sadly, am not allowed to say anything specific about the Angel storyline. Sorry. But I can tell you that the whole group works together to save the world--though they might not save Sunnydale.[/spoiler]11.)Will Vincent Karthesier come back for a fifth season of Angel?[spoiler]Yes. If there is a fifth season. [/spoiler]12.)What's going to happen with Jasmine on Angel? Is she really the big bad?[spoiler]All signs point to yes--Jazzy's about to cause a whole world of brainwashing badness. The only person who doesn't fall under her charms is Fred. (Angel and Connor go under the spell, dedicating a "Mandy"-esque tune to their new goddess. Love it.) Luckily for her, Fred figures out how to break the spell and get her peeps back to their senses.[/spoiler]13.)I'll try till my fingers fall off...Is James Marsters still going to Angel?[spoiler]Nothing is final yet, but he definitely wants to.
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
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Beitrag von Jess » Fr 11 Apr, 2003 2:07 pm

Jess hat geschrieben: (Ok.. ich weiß, wir haben gesagt hier kein OT... aber falls es überhaupt jemanden gibt, dann bitte Lebenszeichen! Ich komm mir hier so einsam vor :sad: )
Na, dann führe ich eben weiter Selbstgespräche

Spike/ Episode 7.22 (Quelle:

Latest Rumors:
My apologies for the short update, but I have new information about the series finale (episode 22 - Chosen).

In the final battle, Spike sacrifices his life to save the world. Buffy tells him she loves him, but he thinks she is just being nice because he is about to die.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

This is currently preliminary information, and the scenes have not been filmed yet. We also have to consider the possibility of being misled. But this is the current information that is circulating, and I think there is a high probability that this is the ending for Spike that we will see.

At a recent convention in Pasadena, James Marsters said that he was planning to appear on Angel next season. I see no reason to dispute this information as characters who have died often appear again on Mutant Enemy shows. I do not know how this will happen, but I would not be surprised if Spike survived the final battle somehow, either by some mystical reward (i.e., shanshu) or some other possibility. I do not know if it is planned to address this at the end of the Buffy finale or at the beginning of Angel's next season. [/spoiler]
wer immer durch die rosa brille sieht, wird irgendwann schwarz sehen
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Registriert: Mi 12 Jun, 2002 3:27 pm
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Jess » Fr 11 Apr, 2003 2:17 pm

Im Forum von SMG tummelt sich jemand, der sich schlicht und einfach "actor" nennt. Er hat einen der Übervamps in 7x22 gespielt und einen entsprechenden Thread eröffnet. Falls ihr alles lesen wollt, klickt einfach auf den Link.... Momentan gibt es aber keine weiteren Spoiler in seinen postings...

außer Anya
No Emma sighting. Apparently Anya's dead already[/spoiler] Sollte das stimmen, denke ich mal, es bezieht sich auf die [spoiler]Andrew- Rettungsaktion. Ganz ehrlich gesagt finde ich es zwar ziemlich "unfair" das Andrew überleben darf (auch wenn es mich persönlihc nicht stört), aber das ein "einfacher" Nerd übrig bleibt und Anya dafür ihr leben lassen muß, finde ich daneben... auch wenn ich vom Hauptcast am ehesten auf sie verzichten könnte[/spoiler] ... =5491&st=0
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