Angel 3.18 Double Or Nothing Wildfeed

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Angel 3.18 Double Or Nothing Wildfeed

Beitrag von Chris » Mo 22 Apr, 2002 3:12 pm

frisch von hier das angel wildfeed:

Wildfeed Simple-Summary for Angel
"Double or Nothing"
Episode Number: 3ADH18
Running Time:
Summary written by Leoff

Disclaimer: This summary is the intellectual property of someone who wakes in the wee hours to crank these suckers out and he takes pride in his work and doesn't wish to see others take credit for it. Please feel free to link to OR copy and paste this summary, giving credit to Leoff Online. Thanks for your support and respect of my work.

So Gunn and Fred are trying to clean up this big mess at the hotel, right, with all these files laying around because of the big Wesley taking the baby mess. Then Cordy and Groo come in all happy from vacation, but with everyone all bummed-looking, they know something's up. Then this boss demon in a casino setting says "you'd better go and get him" and gives another British-speaking demon one of Angel investigation's cards. Ooooo weird.

Then the credits come, with nothing new.

Angel's still all silent and bummed in Connor's room and Cordy goes and sits with him, silent and bummed. Then this old demon couple goes in to complain about some icky squatter-demon who has invaded their place, and Gunn is like "no prob, I'll take care of it." When they leave, Fred gets all romantic at the couple then makes goo-goo eyes at Gunn also. And EVERYONE is really trying to avoid the Wesley subject cause it's really uncomfortable to talk about it.

Then Fred goes and visits Wes in the hospital and at first she's all "oh, glad you're ok" then she get upset and says "you lied and shouldn't have done it" (taking the baby, that is) and splits, but he's all silent cause he can't talk, but he looks sad.

So then this British-speaking demon wanders into the hotel and asks Groo for Angel.

Gunn is down in some sewers and goes to the old demon couple's place and goes and fights with the icky squatter demon and kills it, but then the British-speaking demon pops up and says "Time to pay up, dude," and Gunn's all freaked.

There's a blank spot for commercials here. Whoop.

As it turns out, seven years ago, Gunn made some sort of deal with this boss-demon dude, wanting "her" and he gives up his soul for "her", with a cool bloodsigning oath and stuff. So now this British-speaking demon says "you'd better give us your soul in one day or we'll take your soul and your girlfriends!" and that bums and worries Gunn.

Now Gunn is really bummed and Cordy can see it, but she thinks it's really just Gunn being all bummed because he's the only one who's happy, what with Connor missing and Wesley being all unwanted guy and stuff, so Gunn decides to make this last day count by taking Fred out to do all sorts of cool stuff like games and breakfast in bed and food and movies and stuff. Fred gets wise, though, and wonder's what's up, so Gunn has a different plan and really meanly breaks up with her. She's REAL bummed and in shock!

Oh, and a Doctor comes in to Wesley's room and says that he's all better, except for the no speaking part, and that he can go home.

And Angel is still bummed and quiet with Cordy.

Another Blank spot for commercials. Whoop.

Yep, Angel's still all quiet and brooding with Cordy, but Fred comes in and is all weepy and says "Gunn left me but he didn't mean to and something's wrong and we've gotta find out what" and then Groo says "oh, yeah, some guy stopped by looking for Gunn and gave me his card" so now they know where Gunn is.

Oh, and Wesley comes home and it's all dark and depressing and he's alone. Sad.

But at this Casino, Gunn is ready to pay up his debt as long as Fred is not hurt, right? So he's ready to have his soul sucked, but then Angel and Cordy and Groo and Fred all burst in and say "No way! Not gonna let it happen" and they fight a little, then Angel makes a deal to cut cards for Gunn's soul, to which the Boss-demon says no way. Angel then says "you can have my soul, too, double or nothing!" and the Boss-demon likes that, so they make the bet and it's all tense and stuff.

Third commercial break, and yet blank. Whoop.

So at the card table, everyone's all "oooo, this is cool" and bets are made, and Angel's all cool and says "Let's just cut the crap and cut cards" and the Boss-demon pulls a 9 and everyone is like "ooooo" and Angel pulls a 3 and loses. But then Cordy stabs the Boss-demon's hand and Angel whops off his head out of nowhere and everybody in the place is freaked and not fighting. Then the Boss-demon starts to grow a NEW head which is really gross and cool, and Angel and gang take off as Angel yells out "hey, anyone else owe this guy?" and the Casino patrons get the hint and beat the crap out of the Boss-demon dude.

Later in Gunn's truck, Gunn and Fred are all googly-eyes and he apologises, the Fred bugs Gunn to know what he traded his soul for and it turns out that "She" was the truck, which at the time seemed like a real cool idea.

And to end it Angel's in Connor's room again and he's bummed and Cordy looks in on him, but he know's he's gotta move on so he starts taking apart Connor's crib. Sniff.

Grrr... Arrrg...

Thank you, Thank you very much...

eine deutsche variate ist bereits in arbeit (danke an manu und manfred) :)
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Beitrag von Manu » Mo 22 Apr, 2002 8:54 pm

So und nun sind Manfred und ich auch fertig mit der Übersetzung.

Diese könnt ihr hier ... e=&order=0 lesen.

Quasi als Notlösung auf Milka da diese Version noch zu erreichen ist. Sei`s drum :-D [/url]
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Beitrag von BuffySpikeFreak » Mo 22 Apr, 2002 9:53 pm

dankeschön ;)
klingt eigentlich nicht sehr vielversprechend, für mich ist da zuviel von Gunn & Fred...
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Beitrag von Disharmony » Sa 27 Apr, 2002 7:14 pm

Die Folge war ja mehr als lau... und Gunn und Fred als Paar nerven mich immer mehr...

Ich finde auch völlig unverständlich, dass sich jetzt alle so klar auf Angels Seite schlagen. In "Forgiving" sitzen Gunn und Fred noch bange vor Wes' Krankenzimmer, wissen, dass alles ein Missverständnis war und hoffen auf Versöhnung. Und kaum tickt Angel aus und versucht, Wes zu ermorden, sind alle auf seiner Seite, Wes ist gefeuert und darf nicht mal erwähnt werden... very strange indeed. Dass Angel selbst damit nicht klar kommt, kann man ihm ja nicht mal übel nehmen, aber das Team Angel verhält sich doch sonst neutraler... ???
Jeff: Er, Wilma? This sex thing you mentioned...
Wilma: What's the matter sex doesn't make you nervous too does it?
Jeff: Sex? No, no not at all. No it's just like cuddling only damper.
(Coupling - Unconditional Sex)

Beitrag von Gast » Do 02 Mai, 2002 9:48 am

Naja, diese extreme Parteinahme für Angel geht ja in The Price weiter, in der Cordy mich doch enttäuscht hat. Dieses "Can't, won't", also Bitte, Wesley und sie waren wie Geschwister und Gunn und Wesley die besten Freunde und die einzige, die mit ihm redet ist Fred? Die erst ein paar Monate bei dem A-Team ist und von Wes mit einer Axt verfolgt wurde?

Vor allem Cordys Begründung, Angel ist ihre oberste Priorität, wenn es wenigstens etwas in der Art gewesen wäre, "Connor war für mich wie ein Sohn, wie konnte Wesley mir das antun." Dann okay, aber so? Nee... Tja, und Angel ist ja in 3x19 schon auf dem Weg zu vergeben, immerhin versteht er Gunns Antrieb.

Und "Double or Nothing" eine Füllerfolge jetzt? Was denken sich die Produzenten? Einziges Highlight war Cordys "That quick enough?" "Works for me."
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Beitrag von Manü » Di 12 Aug, 2003 5:02 pm

die folge hat mich nicht grade vom hocker gerissen. durchschnittlich. zu viel Fred/Gunn. und um ne episode zu machen, in der die beiden im mittelpunkt stehn, ham sie meinermeinung nach nicht genug pfeffer.
da hilft auch diese "dramatik" nichts.
normalerweise sind durchschnittliche Angel folgen wenigstens zum tränenlachen, aber auch des war leider nicht so.
wo ich aber trotzdem echt lachen musste:
"I know."
"We are surrounded!"
"I know."
"We have to save Charles"

und das mit dem pancake kiss war ganz sweet.
das ende mit dem truck allerdings war wieder lame.

ah. bevor ich es vergesse: ich musst heulen als fred Wes im Krankenhaus besucht und sagt "don't come back to the hotel. never" oder sowas in der art. soso sad. und wes dann so allein und alles. oh gott gleich fang ich wieder an hier.
wes hat für mich seltsamerweise kein bissel an sympathie verloren.
go wes! :-D

ach, und groo ist ja wohl echt ein idiot oder?
und wie sieht cordys frisur bitte aus?
There's no fear when I'm in my room
It's so clear and I know just what I want to do
All day bedroom dancing
To you I wanna say
Your my thing.